1. 30 ml suc de patlagina se combină cu siropul obţinut din 300 g zahăr şi 200 ml apă. Se iau 3 linguri pe zi. Expectorant.
2. 150 ml suc de plantă se amestecă bine cu 100 g miere.
(Tuse seacă şi forme uşoare de rahitism).
SFAT: patlagina creste peste tot aproape; nu va lasatai tentati de o recolta usoara de la marginea drumului. O planta crescuta in murdarie si noxe va asimila aceste noxe. Oricat de bine o veti spala tot nu veti obtine un preparat "curat".Culegeti numai din zone unde nu se plimba animale, fara poluanti, departe de circulatia masinilor.

1. Mix 30 ml plantains juice with  a syrup made of 300 g sugar and 200 ml water. Take 3 spoons of syrup a day. Expectorant.
2.Mix 150 ml plantains juice with 100g honey. Dry coughing and rickets (non advanced form).
And an ADVICE: Plantains is very easy growing, almost everywhere; don't let you tempted by an easy crop at the side of the road. A plant raised in dirty land and industrial/technological residues will assimilate them. As much as you'll keep washing it, you won't obtain a "clean" mixture. Pick your plants only from area where is no animal circulation (dogs, sheep, cattle etc.), non industrial polluted, away of the cars circulation.
Have a healthy day!!

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