Cum sa folosesti plantele medicinale si aromatice si nu numai. Tratamente naturiste si diverse preparate testate pe parcursul a sute( daca nu chiar mii)de ani, pe vremea cand nu existau nici E-uri , nici medicamente de sinteza si inaintasii nostri erau mult mai aproape de Natura.
Am strans de-a lungul anilor foarte multe retete naturiste. Din pacate pentru multe din ele nu am notat sursa. Acolo unde va fi posibil insa voi nota si acest lucru. Se intampla ca la inceputul notitelor mele sa fie multe tratamente naturiste dar vor fi mai tarziu si preparate cosmetice si altele culinare, cum ar fi oteturi aromatice, retete de cidru sau lichioruri.
Plantele in general alcatuiesc o lume fascinanta iar cele medicinale si aromatice cu atat mai mult. Daca aveti un petec de gradina intr-o zona cat de cat mai nepoluata (da, cam greu….) cultivati si putina menta, salvie, roinita, un copacel de soc . E grozav de bine sa le vezi la tine in gradina si sa stii ca le-ai crescut si cules chiar tu. Si cand mergeti in natura (din nou, intr-o zona curata!!) cautati si cateva firicele de codita soricelului sau cimbrisor pentru ceai. Nu prea multe, sa le ramana si altora. O sa va placa, veti vedea. Stati aproape de Natura!!
M-am gandit ca este bine sa notez aici si unele avertismente:
Acest blog nu este scris de un vindecator ci doar de o persoana pasionata de plantele medicinale si implicit de tratamentele naturiste. Daca vi se pare interesanta o reteta - si mai ales in cazul afectiunilor grave - consultati-va cu medicul curant sau cu un specialist in medicina naturista. Cautati si alte surse pe Internet si faceti comparatii cu ceea ce gasiti aici. Cu toate ca ceea ce am notat in caietele mele si apoi pe blog provine din surse de incredere, nu toate sunt incercate de mine. Tineti cont deasemenea ca fiecare persoana reactioneaza potential diferit de altele la acelasi tratament; sau ca exista riscul alergiilor in cazul persoanelor semsibile.
Deasemenea o alta avertizare importanta se refera la durata tratamentului: in cazul in care va hotarati sa folositi o reteta respectati dozele prescrise si durata indicata in retete . Multe plante se pot dovedi periculoase in supradozari. Perioadele lungi de folosire ale unor simple ceaiuri pot provoca dezechilibre grave in organism sau efecte diametral opuse celor asteptate. Dupa cum stim exagerarile sunt intotdeauna periculoase.
Am auzit de multe ori fraza: ” Nu are ce sa-mi faca rau - doar e din plante” la care cel mai la indemana raspuns este : “Si matraguna e o planta, nu? ” Exista multe plante medicinale cu potential toxic ; in general, nu prea am notat acest gen de retete, aplicarea lor fiind posibila numai sub supravegherea unui specialist. Unde exista un risc , chiar daca relativ mic, voi anunta aceasta , impreuna cu un semn de avertizare
Cu aceste precautii de folosire, sa ne intoarcem la gandul de inceput: lumea plantelor e o lume miraculoasa si binecuvantata. Este minunat sa o cunoasteti. Sper ca macar ceva din ce este publicat aici sa va fie de folos!!
How to use medicinal and aromatic plants and more. Natural treatments and miscellaneous recipes tested during hundred (if not thousands) years in the times when there were no food additives , no synthesis medicines and our forerunners were much closer to the Nature.
Over the years I collected a lot of naturist receipts. Unfortunately for many of them I didn’t note the source. Where it will be possible, I’ll note it though. It happened that at the beginning of my receipt books to be natural treatments but later there will be cosmetic and culinary receipts (like aromatic vinegars , cider or liqueurs ).
As a rule , the plants are a fascinating world and the medicinal and aromatic ones even more. If you have a patch of garden in a less polluted zone (I know…it’s difficult….) try to cultivate some Mint, Lemon balm, Salvia or plant an Elder tree. It’s great to see them in your garden, knowing you raised them and cropping the flowers. And when you have a walk in the nature (again, in a CLEAN place) search for some Yarrow (Achillea) or Thyme herbs for your plant tea. Not quite a lot, so it also remains for others J. You’ll love it, you’ll see!! Stay close to the Nature!!
I thought it’s better to note here some warnings.
This blog is not written by a healer, I’m only a medicinal plants and natural treatments fan. If you find an interesting prescription - and especially for a severe disease – ask your personal physician or a naturist expert. Search other Internet sources and compare to what you find here. Although all I’ve noted in my note books and then on blog is from reliable sources I didn’t try it all. You must also keep in mind that everyone has potentially different reactions to the same treatment and that there is an allergic risk for more sensitive ones.
Also another major warning is about treatment length : if you decide to use a prescription observe the prescribed doses and treatment duration. Many plants can prove very dangerous in overdoses. Long time use of the most simple herbal tea can result in huge damages and unbalanced system or totally opposed effects . As we all know, exaggeration is always no good.
I heard many times this sentence: “It’s made of plants, it can be only good for me!!” to wich the better answer could be : “Well , the Deadly Nightshade is also a plant, right?” (you can search for your own example). There are many medicinal plant with a high toxic potential . As a rule, I didn’t noted that kind of prescriptions, they can only be used under a specialist supervision. Where there’s even a low risk I’ll announce it, with a warning sign.
And now let’s go back to the beginning thoughts: Plants are a marvelous blessed world. It’s great for you to know it and I hope that some of what is written here could be useful to you . Keep green!!
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