Se pun în 100 ml ulei de floarea soarelui 20 de căţei de usturoi mărunţiţi. Se fierb pe baie de aburi timp de 3 ore. Se strecoară apoi prin pânză (se stoarce). Peste uleiul rezultat se adaugă 50 grame răşină de brad proaspătă. Se pune pe baie de aburi împreună cu uleiul până ce se topeşte, se strecoară din nou (pentru că răşina are mai mult ca sigur impurităţi), apoi se pune din nou pe baie de aburi şi se adaugă 50 grame ceară de albine. Se amestecă până ce se topeşte (la foc mic). Se ia de pe foc şi se amestecă pentru a nu se solidifica în straturi. Se adaugă în compoziţie o fiolă de vitamina F şi una de vitamina E ( de la farmacie) şi 20 de grame de Propoderm (unguent de la Apicola). Se omogenizează. Se aplică local 24 ore; se poate acoperi cu pansament. Se spală, se pune din nou unguent. Atenţie!! Pătează hainele!!. Trebuie însoţit de tratament intern.
Chronic eczema
Put in 100 ml sunflower oil 20 crushed cloves of garlic. Boil in bain marie for 3 hours. Pass trough a sieve and wring out. Add to the resulted oil 50 g clean fir resin . Mix until it's melted, pass trough sieve again because the resin has almost certainly some impurities ; put it again in the bain marie and add 50g of bee wax. Mix until melted (on low heat). Put it apart and mix further, not to let it solidify in layers. Add to the compositio a phial of F vitamin and one of E vitamin and 20g Propolis salve. Homogenise it. Locally apply for 24 hours; you may cover it with bandage. after that, wash the place and apply again the salve. This must be accompaniated by an internal treatment. Propolis tincture is strongly advised.
Caution!! It stains the clothes!!
Chronic eczema
Put in 100 ml sunflower oil 20 crushed cloves of garlic. Boil in bain marie for 3 hours. Pass trough a sieve and wring out. Add to the resulted oil 50 g clean fir resin . Mix until it's melted, pass trough sieve again because the resin has almost certainly some impurities ; put it again in the bain marie and add 50g of bee wax. Mix until melted (on low heat). Put it apart and mix further, not to let it solidify in layers. Add to the compositio a phial of F vitamin and one of E vitamin and 20g Propolis salve. Homogenise it. Locally apply for 24 hours; you may cover it with bandage. after that, wash the place and apply again the salve. This must be accompaniated by an internal treatment. Propolis tincture is strongly advised.
Caution!! It stains the clothes!!
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