Cu aceleaşi indicaţii de folosire, coada şoricelului are şi proprietatea de a regla tulburările de ciclu la femei sau hemoragiile prea abundente. În acest scop se asociază în tratament cu traista ciobanului şi gălbenele.
Plămădeala şi maceratul din gălbenele vindecă ulceraţiile, diminuează hiperaciditatea ,închid rănile externe de orice provenienţă.
You can macerate medicinal plants by keeping it 8-10 days in oil or by boiling them 3-4 hours in an enameled jar on bain-marie (the jar must be warmed only by steam and must not touch the boiling water ) – 100g plants in 500 g oil. Filter the oil and keep it in brown corked bottles. Take 1-2 teaspoons in the morning before eating ( All-saints-wort oil or Chamomile oil for liver, gastric diseases, cholecystitis; external use: scorches and irritations.)
Same use has Yarrow oil also adjusts period illness or over abundant hemorrhage. In this purpose it can be associated with Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) and marigold.
Marigold macerated heals ulcerations, diminish hyperacidity and help quickly healing of external wounds.
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